Do you have trouble being heard?
Do you have trouble with your voice physically or emotionally ?
Do you hate hearing the sound of your voice?
Do you know you are capable of more (volume wise, tone wise, color wise, presence wise…) and you don’t know how to get there?
And are any of the awarenesses you got, after these questions, even yours?
Did you know your body is built, out of amongst other things, fascia?
And fascia reacts to judgements, traumas, conclusions and then freezes instead of staying flexible?
I started out as a professional singing student when I was 17 years old and lost my voice 6 months into university. Two weeks of complete silence, 3-months of frustration, and basically left feeling handicapped for the rest of my life so I dropped out that year and moved on to another art in university, specializing in Jazz and pop singing.
Insecurity was my foundation, hiding it by being super creative and enthused, my tactic to blind the spectator from an issue, I can say 20 years later, would have been easily changed with what I know today. A journey that, little did I know back then, would guide me to work and learn from some of the most incredible schools and teachers, helped to improve my frustration, but I never fully recover.
I used to look for a reason as to why my voice wasn’t working properly and was never able to find an answer. Even if my throat was burning, I would run to my specialist (after that one time of really creating nodels) and yet they never found anything, ever again.
I became a vocal coach, worked with over 60 clients a week for many years, until I realised that by working with their voice they could change their entire life. Yet the big question was how? As one of the first 5 technical teachers in my country I worked with technique quite a bit, which created great results, yet many years later I discovered our voice get more influenced by working with our Being than working with our bodies and so the journey began!
You know these moments where the universe shows you a sneak preview of a future possibility, but you have to find the door.
Are you willing to show up and be heard in the world?
WHAT can we be that will inspire the joy of having our voice, like all babies have?
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