Access X-Men Undiscovered Possibilities
8 September 2023
Berlin, Germany & Online

English, German

Class times:
8 September 2023 @ 9.30am – 5pm CET
Your time and date

Berlin, Germany & Online


Access Consciousness has a very different take on so-called “disabilities”.

What if autism, OCD, ADD, and ADHD are abilities?
What if it was easier than you think to change the symptoms of insanity, paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic attacks with nervous breakdowns?

It has now emerged that people labeled with the world may have abilities and we need to explore them, not judge them. This is the invitation to the work of Access X-Men.

In Access, we affectionately refer to these people as X-Men. They actually have brilliant abilities in many different areas that can sometimes go unnoticed or even be hidden for years.

Is it time to find out what these abilities are? What would it be like to learn the language these people speak rather than make them look more like us?

What if the X-Men (or you!) were just the beginning of what might be possible on the planet?

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