Right Voice For You
5-7 April 2024
Ankaran, Slovenia

English, Slovenian

Class times:
5 April 2024 @ 5.30-9 pm CET
Your time and date
6-7 April 2024 @ 9.30am-6pm CET

Ankaran, Slovenia

Jadranska cesta 86 a, Ankaran, Slovenia

Would you like to play bigger? To get your ideas into the world? To claim your voice? To be more present and vulnerable with others? To have confidence and ease on a stage, in a boardroom or even in family conversation?

Whether you are looking to have the competative edge in business, hone your craft on the stage, get your business into the world or have more ease in front of others, the Master Class will allow you to master the energetics of being with a room… and fast!

Right Voice For You is a workshop like no other, inviting participants to let go of their past stories and definitions of themselves, and to show up in public (and on stage) in a dynamic, present, and powerful new way.

Using the tools of Access Consciousness, participants learn how to lower their barriers, receive from their audience, step into their potency, think on their feet and generally get out of their own way.

Do you know that you are here to do great things?

Do you know that you have ideas inside you that wish to be shared?

Do you ever shrink in front of others?
Have trouble asking for what you desire?
Or are you simply ready to be the rock star you truly be?
What if we just had to peel away all the layers that don’t allow us to see the brilliant, beautiful, authentic you?

The Master Class is a full 3-day interactive intensive in which participants will learn to:
Master energy flows
Identify and change the obstacles that may be holding you back in your life
Banish stage fright and performance anxiety
Be totally comfortable being YOU in front of an audience of any size
Increase your charisma, confidence and personal magnetism
Adopt the beliefs, identity and attitudes of masterful speakers and performers
Become the natural storyteller you truly be
Quiet your mind to be totally in the present and spontaneous in your performance (and life!)
Walk and move in a way which will open doors for you in the world.
Learn to be “direct without force” and watch your life become easy!

All Master Class facilitators have had extensive training with Gary Douglas.

Bi radi več od življenja? V svetu udejanili svoje zamisli? Zahtevali svoj glas? Bili bolj prisotni in ranljivi z drugimi? Bili samozavestni in imeli lahkotnost na odru, v konferenčni dvorani ali morda celo med družinskimi pogovori?

Ne glede na to ali si želite pridobiti konkurenčno prednost v poslu, izmojstriti svoje nastopanje, ustvariti posel ali imeti več lahkotnosti pred ostalimi, ta mojstrski seminar vam bo omogočil izmojstriti energijsko komponento bitja s prisotnimi v prostoru … in to hitro!

Delavnici Pravi glas za vas ni para, udeležence povabi, da opustijo pretekle zgodbe in definicije sebe ter se pojavijo v javnosti (in na odru) na dinamičen, navzoč in mogočen nov način.

Z uporabo orodij Access Consciousnessa se udeleženci naučijo, kako znižati svoje pregrade, prejemati od občinstva, vstopiti v svojo potenco, razmišljati s svojo glavo in si na splošno stopiti s poti.

Ali veste, da ste tukaj, da bi ustvarili velike stvari?

So v vas zamisli, ki bi jih radi delili s svetom?

Ali se kdaj pred drugimi skrčite?
S težavo vprašate po tem, kar želite?
Ali pa ste preprosto pripravljeni biti rock zvezda, kar resnično ste?
Kaj če moramo le odluščiti vse plasti, ki nam ne dopuščajo videti briljantnih, lepih in avtentičnih vas?

Ta mojstrski seminar je tridnevni interaktivni intenziv, na katerem se bodo udeleženci naučili:
mojstrstva energijskih tokov
opredelili in spremenili omejitve, ki vas morda zadržujejo v vašem življenju
odpravili odrsko tremo in tesnobo pred nastopanjem
kako vam je lahko popolnoma udobno s tem, da ste VI, pred občinstvom kakršnekoli velikosti
povečali svojo karizmo, samozavest in osebni magnetizem
osvojili prepričanja, identiteto in drže mojstrskih govorcev in igralcev
postali naravni pripovedovalec zgodb, kar resnično ste
utišali svoj um, kar vam bo omogočilo biti popolnoma navzoči in spontani v svojih nastopih (in življenju!)
hoditi in se gibati na način, ki vam bo odpiral vrata v svetu!

Vsi facilitatorji mojstrskega seminarja so bili deležni obširnega treninga s strani Garyja Douglasa.

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